Features that makes app different!

Make sure you never forget anything by storing your thoughts in the form of reminders, notes, lists, files, and more.

Hassle Free

With the most effective search options, quickly find the information.

Smooth Integration

Schedule your day and work with the voice assistance feature.

Scheduling / TimeTabling

Organize and manage your appointments at your fingertips.

Google Calendar Integration

Connect QwikiNotes and Google Calendar. Assemble your notes and schedule.


Get notifications of forthcoming and incomplete assignments.

Prioritize The Task

Save notes online and sync them across all of your devices.


Save notes online and sync them across all of your devices.

Manage Work

Prepare for meetings more quickly, in advance or on the spot.


How it works - 6 easy steps

  • 1

    Download app

    Open the App Store on your smartphone or tablet. Get the Qwiki Notes application. Click Install.

  • 2

    Create account

    Go to the app. Create account by signing up or logging in if you have one already. Remember everything important.

  • 3

    Create a note or event

    Make or modify a note or event. Create a list. Create reminders for your notes.

  • 4

    Assign to your contact person

    You can link a specific assignment or note to a contact. Choose the day, the hour, and the priority levels.

  • 5

    Set Device Calendar or google calendar

    Install the Google Calendar app on your smartphone. Sync all of your events with the calendar.

  • 6

    You got a mail

    A confirmation email is sent to you as soon as you sign up for the app. click the link to confirm your email address so that you can receive future alerts.